The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3959148
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Oct-18 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

Couldnt sleep so up at 5:30 three hoyrs early.

Got my debit account caught up and grocery list made. Lots to restock-- bladder infection plus weekend trip = empty pantry and food storage bags. Went to USPS first to mail Greg an item he'd left in the car I picked up, but they opened late so had a delay there. Then I had an unusually peaceful and helpful Walmart trip with a rare, fully-charged scooter. Fridge items came in and chix was started in the crockpot. Still need pork and beef for the usual rotation, but enough!!!

Noticed again that the recent repair of the garage patio door is FABULOUS.

Aftn, short but deep chair nap. Then lengthy combat w cable company:

Good news/bad news on cable TV here. Good news: we keep NBCSN within the rate already quoted, despite its mistaken inclusion by the salesperson I'd spoken to for the promotional deal, who they say mysteriously "canceled" the tv service the 17th (no wonder Brandon couldn't get signal!) Bad news: she never said they had 2 set top box options (live or dvr), and dvr is extra. Of course we want dvr, and I tried hard for discounted billing... but no cigar.... so the total rate goes from the $84 she'd quoted into $90's. Other news-- I'm FINALLY now set up for online bill paying when desired. UCK!!!! Five-department clusterf*ck!

Brandon was due "after 6" for kayak stowing, so I suited up to prep and spent a lovely hour or two ferrying groceries from the car to the front step via scooter, using my very sore left shoulder/arm as little as possible. I used the scooter to push the trash/recycle bins, to permit more kayak-maneuvering space around the car. Cleaned trash/recycling out of car. Moved dead brush around the camper for more space.

Then I spent the crisp and beautiful dusk-falling time, scoping out future plantings, with multiple short videos from several angles to share ideas with Judy.

Also replanted a windblown election sign and planted two more (senior svcs ballot issue). I got cold and went in to warm up and charge the fone-- so of course that's when Brandon showed up.

It's been fun driving everywhere with a pretty kayak on top, but the kayak is now finally unloaded into the garage. I described the method and coached the initial steps. Then....

Brandon: "How.... do we carry it?"
Me: "Um.... I see one strap to grab but none for the bow.... hmm..." So he swivels it a leetle bit towards himself and catches it-- before it finishes rotating stern to ground in the prescribed method-- hugs it to his chest at the balance point-- and walks it into its waiting spot in the garage. Took longer to type it than to do it. My jaw is still in the driveway.

No more cold rain dripping onto my shoulder (and the passenger seat) when I drive, from the tarp straps that pass over my head. Yeah, Columbus' rainy rush hour Friday was pretty wet. Done!

Senior helper to complete cargo unloading tmrw. I'll probably use the scooter to save her back-- it's supposed to be another pretty fall day. There ain't been many, so I'll take it!
