The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165234   Message #3961227
Posted By: Senoufou
11-Nov-18 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: School Performances
Subject: BS: School Performances
With the pantomime and Christmas play season fast approaching, I've been reminiscing about my experiences both as a child participant and as a rather harassed primary school teacher.

As a staff we used to perform a hilarious pantomime for the whole school to watch (about 400 pupils, Middle School) The most attractive teacher (not me, sadly) would play the leading role in say Cinderella.
We even choreographed a dance and the stern Deputy Head would perform a nifty soft-shoe shuffle.

I once played Little Miss Muffet, and a giant hairy spider was lowered on a rope as I sat on my tuffet. My screams were extremely realistic.

Two young teachers fond of each other, and he was of course the Prince to her Snow White. The whole school cheered when he woke her with a kiss. (They got married the following Spring)

My own productions were often riddled with disasters.
The boy I chose to play Jesus for an Easter play wet himself copiously at The Last Supper, and his disciples were wading through a large puddle for the entire first scene.

I wrote a pantomime with music and songs, involving some elves who had to dance around a witch. Sadly, one tripped over, the others fell on top and the witch toppled into her own cauldron. The music teacher/piano player soldiered manfully on. The parents were convulsed, trying not to laugh.
Has anyone else got fond memories of past triumphs/disasters of a similar nature?