The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165234   Message #3961383
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
12-Nov-18 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: School Performances
Subject: RE: BS: School Performances
I used to be in an am-dram group, mixed adults and kids. I was playing The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz, and there's that scene near the end when Dorothy chases the witch around her cauldron (another cauldron scene, Senofou!) before stuffing her into it. I tripped over and the quick-thinking 12-year-old Dorothy, just hauled me sideways into it, apparently through its cast-iron wall!

Then there was the nativity play in which my daughter and several of her pals were dressed up as angels looking as if "butter wouldn't melt in the mouth": they were all sitting on a gym bench. Fine until they all leaned backwards at once, almighty crash, eight legs in the air!

Now, I have a grandson, and went to his nativity play last year: each child had a line or two to say. So they pass around a wireless microphone, and they all know how to use it perfectly!!