The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30701   Message #396141
Posted By: menzze
12-Feb-01 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: CarrickfergusMeaning:marble stones as black as ink
Subject: RE: Help: Meaning: 'marble stones as black as ink
Hi Big Tim

First time I heard the song was in 1979. I was on the way hitching from Germany to Scotland and we had break for some days in Appleby(?) in the Lakes where I met to Scots guys on their way to the south. I had my guitar with me, they had a bottle of Grouse and a good smoke and we had a wonderful campfire party this night. When we parted one of them gave me a tape with Five Hand Reel on it which I had never heard before but loved it from this very second.

Back in Germany a horrible accident occured after I had watched like the apple of my eye during the whole trip: the tape fell into a can of milk.

It took me about 8 or 9 years of searching until I found the records(see: there was no mudcat at the time:-))

Yeah, that's really the way folk is spread around and therefore can never die!

take care menzze