The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165247   Message #3961721
Posted By: Senoufou
15-Nov-18 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Long gone stationery supplies
Subject: RE: BS: Long gone stationery supplies
When I was teaching, all classrooms had a large stock cupboard. Every week we sent our order to the teacher in charge of stock and a handy Monitor would bring it to our classroom.
I once ordered a packet of holes.
This wasn't a joke. It referred to hole re-enforcers which one stuck round the holes after using the hole puncher.

We also ordered quantities of chalk, white and coloured. I expect teachers nowadays never see a bit of chalk. I believe interactive whiteboards are used instead. But apart from their use on the blackboard, they were handy for lobbing at inattentive pupils.

I have memories of every single item mentioned in posts above. I well remember being fascinated by simple carbon paper as a child. My father had brought some home from work and I played with it until the blue had all gone (mostly onto my hands and face)