The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30725   Message #396187
Posted By: English Jon
12-Feb-01 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Seventeen Come Sunday
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 17 Come sunday...Please!
Thanks Wolfgang. Didn't think of that. Searches so far have yielded ripe, (but I had to use U.S. version of Yahoo...U.K. site gave me nothing! Strange, considering it's supposed to be a Linconshire song! oh well. There's some great verses, and I wasn't expecting the happy ending...which is good, because the ending of my old version is just too horrible:

"for the fifes and drums are my delight, And the bugles sweetly sounding, and it's Oh my love, I must leave you now but I'll be back for your mother in the morning..."


See why I wasn't too happy with it? Someone's been messing around with it somewhere along the line...

