The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158865   Message #3966239
Posted By: GUEST,Robert was a funny fucker
14-Dec-18 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: Rob Constantine 1960's folk - Albany NY
Subject: RE: Rob Constantine 1960's folk - Albany NY
Robert was my mothers sisters son (first cousin)
I always got his hand me downs - kinda pissed me off that
I would get old clothers
Anyway, he always cracked me up - he was always a great showman
Used to tapdance his ass off as a 10yo
Around 20 he started singing and made a couple albums I didnt think
anyone bought besides the family
We had one but its GONE - no idea where
Robert fucked himself up drinking and drugs - died suddenly probably due to coronary artery disease
He was an amazingly creative person
anyway, the point of all this; I have been looking for copies of Roberts songs for years - long before he died.
I would have digitized them myself by now if I could find copies - but none of the relative have them. Nobody
Would one of you with copies - PLEASE - send me copies. I will pay whatever...
Thank you!