The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165396   Message #3966782
Posted By: GUEST,Fyldeplayer
17-Dec-18 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: Review: Causley Christmas a treat
Subject: Review: Causley Christmas a treat
I've been bored recently with the music fare served up in the Home Counties 'folk clubs, so it was a delight to attend Jim Causleys Christmas Show at Reading. No dressing up or silly hats, just a great collection of interesting seasonal songs. His enthusiasm and knowledge are a great part of his show, ok I'm a bit late to the JC table but he will be firmly on my radar for next year. His huge voice is delight, despite some gruffness from recent cold - shouty folk doesn't do it for me, his delivery of some tricky 'poem' pieces were spot on. Perked up for Christmas now. Thanks Jim, hope you have happy audiences and warm venues for the other dates.