The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159435   Message #3968662
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
29-Dec-18 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: singaround etiquette
Subject: RE: singaround etiquette
Newcomer to our session, though already known by some from elsewhere: argumentative and disruptive, after another singer introduces a song with a couple of words re the origin of the song.
New man shouts, "Where's your evidence?" not once but several times.
Towards the end (no, he hadn't been thrown out yet!) we chose an "all join in" song as a finisher.
"It's in D" says new man.
"Too high for the ladies" sez I.
"No, it's in D".
I played the first 3 notes in C on my button accordion.
"You're playing it in D" sez he.
"No I'm not" sez I.
"Yes you are" sez he.
"No I'm not"............... (FFS, I DO know what notes I'm playing, thinks I!)
Sorry, you're not welcome back new man!