The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159435   Message #3968934
Posted By: GUEST,Observer
30-Dec-18 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: singaround etiquette
Subject: RE: singaround etiquette
Re: Nick Dow's story.

My sympathy is entirely with the Landlord (Now an ex-Landlord we are told, who by inference, lost his livelihood because Nick's warm and welcoming crowd moved to another Pub - My guess is if all they are drinking is tap water they'll have to move on from there as well in the not too distant future) - The man has a living to make FFS, any decent human being who knows anything about "pub culture" should know that and appreciate the problem from the Landlords perspective. He is the one doing you a favour for letting you play/sing in HIS Pub.

Liked this though (which, to me, speaks volumes about our story teller):

"Landlord looks like a mongoose viewing a snake but decides he had better back down on the grounds that he is about 5ft 6' and I am 6ft 2' and from South London."

You have probably only ever seen a mongoose fight a snake on telly Nick - Out in the Far East they used to put such contests on as a bar sport with bets on the outcome. The mongoose's contestant was normally a Cobra - The snake NEVER WON.

Don't know what coming from South London has got to do with anything. Always a bad move to attempt to intimidate a Landlord (irrespective of relative heights involved) on his own premises - there are stories of people who have been banned from entering licensed premises in entire towns for doing just that.

Care to tell us when your next free concert is on? Will the tap water be free?