The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165447   Message #3968951
Posted By: Janie
30-Dec-18 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: 2018 Obit: MMario (Leo Pola)
Subject: RE: 2018 Obit: MMario (Leo Pola)
Still don't really have words. I joined Mudcat in 2001, immediately after Dani dragged me to my first Getaway. So I first met Leo, and many other 'Catters at that first Getaway, before I joined this community.

18 years of virtual community and yearly 3D reunions - Leo was at more of the Getaways I've made it to than not. Some knew him better and some knew him less well than did I. Clearly, many of us will miss him, and anyone posting here will mourn him.

I still don't really have words, and the tears come too easily. Rambling. I was only half-conscious of the contributions he made to Mudcat regarding the DT and CD's.

Loved his contributions to the story threads and other collective creative writing exercises. What an imagination and flare he had for writing. He definitely "played well with others," and his contributions always delighted, advanced the storyline, and/or nudged the story in unexpected directions.

This past Getaway, several of us were making plans, in discussion with him, to lobby for him to have a mini-concert at next year's Getaway. Who knew that next year would never come? Too few people at the Getaways had an opportunity to hear him sing - he could be reticent, but in the last 2 years was getting more bold about 'singing out' in the song circles.

Like I said already, I'm just rambling, lost in sorrow and at a loss for words to honor him. That is often the case when it comes to people who exemplify what is meant by the expression "salt of the earth."

He wasn't one of the 'rock stars' who got or sought a lot of attention. He was a foundational rock, and a star that never sought to dazzle, but shone, and will continue to shine in my heart and mind, regardless of the season or be the skies clear or cloudy.