The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165461   Message #3969336
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
02-Jan-19 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: best way to handle unwanted telemarketer
Subject: RE: BS: best way to handle unwanted telemarketer
as soon as voice says this is (first name) from ... I hang up, sometimes I hear the company name as I'm doing so & realised once I was hanging up on my own Telco, calling cos I had paid my bill late. I'm sure they were offering a payment plan, thinking I was poor or something, but the reason I paid late & included the $15 late fee was cos I found the bill under other pieces of paper after the due date (oops)

If after I say hello, I hear what is obviously a call centre where the next available operator is reaching for my line, I just hang up. Sometimes I think it might be fun to pay games, but I've automatically hung up, & besides the poor bugger has a job to do.

Tho I recently hung up on the fake Tax Office employee who no doubt would have started threatening me with my tax debt ... That could have been fun to play as I heard someone did - call "everyone" to listen "cos we have a spammer on the line!", say things like "oh, no, gosh, how horrible", start laughing etc ...

maybe one day ...
