The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30784   Message #397078
Posted By: LR Mole
13-Feb-01 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
Well, I seem to be able to ignore most of it. I can't abide genre fascism: there's a record store near me that ALWAYS has reggae on. Out of some interest/assumption of its merit/guilt, I try to listen and appreciate it, only to go through fading enjoyment to irritation. The same would probably happen to me with (gasp) bluegrass, which after 100 measures all sounds like deedle-deedle-deedle. Taste and choice are owned. Exploration is good.Down with eyrrany! (Did I just write a bumper sticker?)