The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165363 Message #3971077
Posted By: Vic Smith
11-Jan-19 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: A new attempt to revive a custom fails
Subject: RE: A new attempt to revive a custom fails
I feel that if you compare the version which Steve Gardham found in his research and posted at 12 Dec 18 - 06:37 PM and the version that I found in the Terible Down manuscript, it is possible to suppose that they both derived from an earlier version (though for the life of me I cannot bring to mind what that version might be). Of course, I would not suggest that there are links between the versions without evidence which must be at the core of modern research. Nevertheless, studying these two versions in detail does revive the excitement that both Steve and I feel for the wonders of oral transmission.