The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165527 Message #3971659
Posted By: GUEST
16-Jan-19 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: Answer to question @ Ewan McColl song
Subject: ADD: There's No Place for Me (Ewan McColl)
It's only one more verse:
There's No Place for Me (1964, The Travelling People)
On a rock on the shore is the cormorant's dwelling, The wild warbling blackbird has its nest in the tree-- The birds of the sky and the fish of the ocean, Each has its own place--but there's no place for me.
The fox has its lair and the rabbit its burrow, The set for the badger, the hive for the bee-- The weasel, the hare, the mole and the martin, Each has its own shelter--but there's no place for me.