The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30793   Message #397388
Posted By: JenEllen
13-Feb-01 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
Thanks Spaw. You summed it up perfectly. Ain't it grand?

If the mister brought home flowers and chocolates, he'd be strung up in short order. Luckly for him he knows exactly how I feel about that sort of comercialized pressure to 'perform' on Valentine's Day. I'd rather have him brushing the snow off of my car and making me a cup of tea all for a little nuzzle under the chin, than to live ignorant of each other and try to make it up all on one day of the year.

I wish you all a little bit of love every day. You've more than likely got it already, you just need to know where to look.
