The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30784   Message #397530
Posted By: R!
13-Feb-01 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
First the confession: my old china and I have been known to dance in the supermarket when a waltz comes over the PA system. A little dance breaks up the monotony of food shopping.

I'm usually not happy with the music choices in shops and public places but I can overlook it if the volume is low. The other day I stopped at a pay phone outside a supermarket to call someone for directions. The music was so loud I could barely hear the other party. Coupled with people sitting in their cars, engines idling and radios blasting, it was pure auditory hell.