The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26261   Message #3975457
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Feb-19 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: Young Audiences - Trad Folk V Folk Rock
Subject: RE: Young Audiences - Trad Folk V Folk Rock
This is becoming a bit like Holby City with a bunch of doctors standing around a patient on life-support saying "She' just twitched"
Does it really matter !
The basic difference for me between Folk and 'folk(sic) rock" is that, whenther it has made it this far or not, it exists only for itself - it has nbasic o identity of its own other than the one it has stolen and misused from a centuries-old song /music form, no great history of development and no input into national culture or society - it does not exist outside its immediate paerformance - a sound and nothing else.
Fol - song in particular, is exactly the opposite - it carries both national and socal history the songs were made to express the aspirations and observations of those who made them and carried them down the ages - it is an integral part of society
Dave talks about 'getting out of the water' - I don't have to; almost everything that interests me is in there with me.
My first live music interest was the wonderful jazz that was played at the cavern before it became Beatle infested - that love never went away, but it took me to the Blues which developed a further interest in Black America, slavery, The Civil Rights Music..
Then to British indigenous music with all its historical, political and social implications - Lloyd's and Lomax's work threw open the international gates.
My meeting and falling under the influence of MacColl and Seeger developed a latent interest in Theatre - MacColl not only introduced me to some great theatre and literature, but his pioneering work on technical work was based on that done by Stanislavski for The Moscow Ats Theatre - his relaxation excercises were pioneered by Rudolph Laben's 'Efforts' adapted for dance - Ewan adapted them for singing
Throw in my interest in Cinema and literature and I'd have to live three lifetimes even to scratch the surface
Next to this 'Folk Rock is all a little fanzine, I'm afraid - sorry
One thinng I've learned in life is, get on the right bus and it'll take you anywhere