The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26261   Message #3975696
Posted By: Vic Smith
09-Feb-19 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Young Audiences - Trad Folk V Folk Rock
Subject: RE: Young Audiences - Trad Folk V Folk Rock
Jack wrote:-
Should I have heard of Park House? What were they or it?

Doc Rowe, who was a founder member described Parkhouse Convention described it thus:-
I was a founder member of Park House Convention (1972) - a group who believed the modes of expression found in the oral tradition are tailor-made for contemporary artists. I helped co-ordinate a number of conferences associated with this as well as producing a newsletter.

It was part of the huge movement of radical and student politics at the time and seemed to be based in Birmingham. Charles Parker seemed to be a prime influence, The newsletters which I received reflected a variety of opinions, some concerned attitudes to traditions, others were more to do with how song could be used to further the left-wing and Communist viewpoints. The newsletters are long since disposed of and I cannot remember a great deal about them. There was some Maoist vs. Russian Leninist arguments which were standard fare at the time. The only thing that really sticks in my mind was an article of advice to folk club organisers which said something like - At our club the committee has chosen in advance "A pig of the week (or was it month?)" and we set aside a time for members to come up and speak about them. Something of that nature with the appointed being a current hate figure. This was one of the ideas that I did not take up but there were others, concerned with maintaining standards and encouraging variety which I was much more sympathetic with.
Like many radical organisations, it only lasted a few years but many of the members went on to be influential in other ways.