The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30788   Message #397743
Posted By: GUEST,Spaceman
14-Feb-01 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: My six years olds class
Subject: RE: My six years olds class
Dear Animatera:

How do you teach and how can I teach frst to these children the concept of short and long sounds?

I myself introduced that as running on tas and walking on titis. I then put some fast music and children run and said titi and then some slow music and the children walked and said ta. I also introduced the quarter put four quarter notes on the floor and children walked on these and said ta. Then I put eighth notes and children runed on these and said titi. I also used the uprighth stroke for ta and 2 strokes for titi and they also formed thses patterns with their bodies as well.

Also how do you use Ta and titi with animal and food names? Do you use them like me? i.e. you clap animal names and food names?