The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164234   Message #3978549
Posted By: Mossback
23-Feb-19 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
You feel SORRY for her? She's always been a piece of crap. She's an ACTOR and the first show was an ACT.

In 1990 Barr performed an atrocious and disrespectful rendition of the national anthem shrieking her way through the song and responding to the rain of boos by spitting on the ground and grabbing her crotch. She promoted Pizzagate. She says 9/11 was an inside job. She promotes vaccine conspiracy theories. She called Israel a “Nazi state” in 2009 and in 2013 promoted a Holocaust-denying musician and said former National Security Advisor Susan Rice was a “big man with swinging ape balls”. She claimed there was an"Islamic pedo culture". She dressed up as Hitler for a magazine cover, pulling a burnt collection of gingerbread men from the oven. Barr was sued in court for tweeting the name and address of the parents of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, who then feared for their lives. After the student government of the University of California Davis campus endorsed the BDS movement, she tweeted that she hoped they’d get “nuked.” She complained that left-wing candidates like Bernie Sanders spend too much time with the Pope, who she told an interviewer “owns almost every dollar in the world.” She stated in 2016 that"Jew hater Hillary Clinton's handler Huma Weiner is a filthy Nazi whore" and that "Hillary Clinton is surrounded by Jew-haters who make fun of the Holocaust & Jewish suffering yet her MK-Ultra (do Google that one!) supporters call trump a bigot". She claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to a nephew of Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, who is busy subverting democracy with wads of cash. She said that David Hogg, a teenager who survived the Parkland shooting, was a Nazi.

And that's just a very small sampling.

And to Roseanne, in the spirit in which Barr responded to Alina Atash who called her on her islamophobia on 9 Sep 2013: