The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11959   Message #397906
Posted By: Lonesome Gillette
14-Feb-01 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Great Coffee Houses
Subject: RE: Great Coffee Houses
When I moved to Tucson from Boston in the late 80's (Im back in Boston) I found no coffee house type venues, a few came and went but nothing much. But there is still a strong folk scene there. I wound up going to lots of music party things that wouldn't be jam sessions but would have someone do a solo set, then a band might play, whatever... it was real cool, I've never seen that around here in Boston, but I think it might happen, I just don't know about it. I remember playing with my folk band in some backyard in the desert and the place would be just packed, granted they were there to drink beer mostly but if that same band was in Boston we'd have a tough time to get any gigs. What's my point? I don't know.hehe

Oh, "The Hillbilly Ranch" mentioned earlier sounds excellent. I live right near that site, I can't imagine anything like that happening around this area now. Bluegrass in downtown Boston? HA!