The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165570   Message #3979315
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Feb-19 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
"We had to start bombing teagues/prods/pubs in Brum because the Uk voted to come out of the EU? I don't buy it."
Please don't siplify a complicated and very dangerous situation
Permanenet peace in Ireland depends on the Good Friday agreement being seen through to a satisfactory conclusion
The DUP, in supporting Brexit, is drawing away from that solution, its main reason being maintaining British rule
Trivialising it really doesn't help understand it

This morning's announcement from Westminster that it is finally admitted that Norther Ireland will be far more severely hit by Brexit that will Britain will almost certainly add fuel to an already sensitive situation
Crashing out and leaving a hard border will just about clinch it

Singer Frank Harte once gave a talk on Irish political songs to a group of rather staid English Folkies at Loughborough around the time of 'The Troubles'
He began his talk:
"The British have never understood the Irish"
Pregnant pause
"But the Irish have always understood the British"
Never seen so many squirming bottoms
Jim Carroll