The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754 Message #3979502
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Feb-19 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
"You hypocrite." AS he busts a gut supporting a regime which is now openly supporting anti=Semitic parties and racist groups which are even being condemned by Jewish religious leaders as comparable to the KKK, you may write that down in very large letters Steve I can think of six million people who would be very proud of him
The greatest and most open hypocrisy here comes from those who have constantly used 'the democratic people's choice' as an argument for leaving Europe but would choose to walk over red-hot razor blades rather than confirm that choice now the consequences of that decision has become clear It seems that, to some, 'the people's choice' is only valid when it coincides with their own Jim