Let me see if I can say this where it makes sense. When I go to a public place WITHOUT the express intent of hearing music, like the grocery or Target or the mall, I have other things on my mind and 99 times out of 100 don't pay a lick of attention to what's on the speakers. I go to those places to run errands or do other business and music doesn't really figure into it. Around here several places just play local radio stations. I suppose if I happened into some place that played particularly obnoxious music, it might influence my decision to go back or not, but in my sphere that has never been an issue.Y'all would have loved what they were playing in the tattoo salon the last time I was there. I don't even know what it was. It could only be described as train wreck music. There was a little ZZ Top in there, but I didn't recognize anything else. One of those bands didn't even sound like they were speaking English but they were. BUT I knew it was going to be like that when I went in there, so I didn't fret it. I'm sure if I had asked them to throw something else into the mix they would have done it for me - but when your butt's on fire, well, you don't think about that stuff. ;)