The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754   Message #3979920
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Mar-19 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
In my view it's more a matter of principle, Al, rather than worrying about getting a decisive result. I saw an Emily Thornberry interview (with Stephen Mangan!) in which she expressed the same sentiment as you. We were lied to by both sides in the referendum campaign and were thereby hobbled when it came to making an informed decision. If we really want to rely on referendums (which I personally don't), then another one now would at least be predicated on a better knowledge of the issues. Of course, there would be a campaign and there would be more lies on both sides. That's depressing and I wonder how we've let it come to this. But, to coin a cliche, it could be the least of many evils. What a bugger.