The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754   Message #3979964
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Mar-19 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
"of course they had a choice to get off their arses and vote."
Many people saw no reason to - they were not given any facts and even the leavers didn't expect to win
The voting system in Britain is based on promises nobody has the slightest intention of keeping, which is why so many don't use it - those who do have little confidence of those they elect

This started over the stupid statement that if there was a second vote, it would be unfair to the Leavers
The democracy of allowing people to confirm their decision now they have more of a picture of what is likely to happen seems not an issue with those who envisage a change of mind
Brexit was always sold as a cat in a bag and the animal seems to have inconveniently torn its way out too early
Jim Carroll