The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754 Message #3980231
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Mar-19 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
I hardly ever watch ITV (not snob but advert-averse), but I've just watched a devastating piece of investigative journalism called Exposure: Brexit Online Uncovered. When you consider that a one percent swing in the referendum would have given remain a victory, after watching this I don't think that it would be stretching a point to assert that online and social media skullduggery, illegality, bullying, threats of death and rape and sheer lying successfully swung the result to leave. This stuff reaches millions of people below the relatively respectable radar (a term I use advisedly) of the mainstream media. Watch it if you dare and see if you disagree. We are truly being taken to hell in a handcart driven by the feeble-minded.