The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754 Message #3980243
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Mar-19 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Well, robo, "this article has multiple issues." That's wot wiki sez. You will never believe anything that anyone here says, especially from me, a Labour Party member who has fought racism all his life, who supports the state of Israel (though not its regime) and who abhors antisemitism so much that I would not belong to a party in which I believed it was institutional. As you are a rather right-wing sort of chap, if you lived over here I'd expect you to belong to the opportunistic anti-Corbyn faction, who dredge up anything and everything from his past and present that might promote his demonisation (whilst simultaneously turning a blind eye to all the racist and Islamophobic predilections of the Tory party and it's supporters). As you are of that persuasion, I assume, you would be living in fear of his ever becoming our prime minister. But, as Mr Nice Guy (you know I am), I'd love to think that I've got you all wrong and that you're actually a fair-minded sort of chap who eschews the received wisdoms and stark prejudices that surround us all like predatory aliens...