The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165754   Message #3980413
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Mar-19 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Subject: RE: Corbyns second referendum proposal
Baroness Warsi was on Newsnight tonight. She spoke plainly about the issues in the Tory party regarding racism, Islamophobia in particular and how Theresa May refuses to engage with the issue. When you look back at the survey I mentioned, which indicated that almost half of all Tory voters harbour frank Islamophobic views, then listen to Sayeeda Warsi, it makes you see the rampant hypocrisy of the anti-Corbyn zealots. You didn't have to look too far, either, as Kirsty also interviewed the well past-it Blairite troglodyte Lord Levy. The most useful contribution he could ever make to society would be to fall asleep on the Lords benches making occasional farting and snoring noises.