The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165842   Message #3983702
Posted By: Pappy Fiddle
21-Mar-19 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: The fine line between MUSIC and NOISE!
Subject: RE: The fine line between MUSIC and NOISE!
When I find memorable words, I save 'em. Here's a quote I think might be of help:

"We live in an age of music for people who don't like music. The record industry discovered some time ago that there aren't that many people who actually like music. For a lot of people, music's annoying, or at the very least they don't need it. They discovered if they could sell music to a lot of those people, they could sell a lot more records." < T Bone Burnett

I think loud music might be an art form like harmonious music, so more power to 'em, unless somebody wanted to build a big concert ampitheater on the next street over and start rockin' the foundations 4 nights a week; I'd fight it, because in the words of somebody calling themself Gran'pa Chet,

"Freedom of speech, like freedom to smoke, ends when it infringes upon others' freedoms of speech (or freedom to breathe, in the latter case). A roommate in Korea put it this way: "I have the freedom to swing my arms all around, unless they hit you in the nose."

I have a pair of ear protection muffs that drop the volume of a badly balanced table saw with old bearings chewing thru sawdust board, to a comfortable level. Someone could wear such to a concert and thus see if the musicians were any good. They are bright safefy orange. It would be like this time my company called an all-hands meeting to go over some stuff but they didn't have a conference room big enough so they rented a ballroom downtown but they forgot to specify it be heated. It was January and you could see your breath in that room, in spite of 2500 bodies assembled. As these turkeys droned on and on, I pitied all these women who thought it was going to be an occasion to impress folks and wore just cocktail dresses. I put my parka on and I was still cold. Finally I put the hood up, fur and all and sat there. They did not get the hint tho.