The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95291 Message #3984113
Posted By: CupOfTea
23-Mar-19 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Song challenge: Kilkelly parody
Subject: RE: Song challenge: Kilkelly parody
Liamtho- Parodies are a specific taste. If you don't like 'em, you're hardly qualified to be a critic. I like them. I particularly like the parodies by Les Barker, who has written his own songs and poems, dozens of books of his punning output along with serious political observations. The one you despise, I was just singing last night among a group of songs I associate with Caroline Paton. At one Getaway, she sat me down in a crowded room, and sang me Les Barker's "Sloop John A" with great glee.
Even as someone who likes parodies, there are songs I wouldn't sing a parody of - Kilkelley is on my list of those. Many times parodies are based on songs that suffer from overexposure. Fortunately Kilkelly hasn't had that fate in my area. Parodies are like a strong spice- you have to like the flavor, and you don't want too many thrown in the same session. Mostly, they have to be incredibly witty, funny, or biting to be of any value.
If you dont like parodies, move on, nothing to see here.