The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165911   Message #3985541
Posted By: keberoxu
02-Apr-19 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: an idea: Operation 29 September
Subject: RE: BS: an idea: Operation 29 September
This is my opinion only,
as I cannot presume to speak for Senoufou/Eliza.

I suspect it was a matter of
"the final straw."
On this, or any other, thread,
it is possible to pick over the exchanges of posts
and to be none the wiser about Eliza's decision.

So I believe it was less about the specific instance,
the time, the place, and the issue under discussion,
and more about the cumulative effect of
one too many misunderstandings or outright hostilities.

In this, I fear, Senoufou is in excellent company and plenty of it.
I am still a Mudcat newbie,
but the old-timer Mudcat members
probably have got a list as long as your arm
of fellow Mudcatters they remember, and miss,
who just said "that is the final straw"
and retreated to the Facebook account, if that.