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Thread #165570   Message #3985655
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Apr-19 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
"What wedge is this? Between those who want to remain and those who want to leave the EU? "
Brexit was based on putting the blame for Britain's increasing problems on the number of foreigners coming in, which automatically had repercussions on British citizens from other ethnic backgrounds - the beginning of a wedge
The fact that the majority was as small as it was created an almost fifty-fifty division among those who voted, leaving those who didn't to stand and watch, I have little doubt, first in bewilderment, then in growing horror
The vicious animosity displayed by the leavers, hate mail, threats of recrimination... were outlined in an article in yesterday's Times by a non political remainer describing the behaviour of former friends and neighbours
None of this would have happened if Brexit had been planned

"I get fed up with the politicians and political commentators who say this sort of thing. "
And I get fed up with people who cant see what's under theirnoses
Before the echoes of the referendum result had died down, racist incidents, including acts of violence, had begun - these have continued way past the highest number ever recorded in British history

There you go - Can't blue clickie

Jo Cox's widower, nice man as he appears to be, denied any connection between the murder of his wife and Brexit - I wonder would that still be his opinion ?

The 'White Jihadist' Nazi scum are about to be tried for plotting to murder a woman Labour MP -
Racist groups like any of Tommy Robinson's present or former parties you care to name, are becoming more active (it's no coincidence that Robinson was one of those who gave limited support to Brievik)
Populism that sold Brexit is based on prejudice, which in its turn, gives rise to racial and cultural tension, which, in its turn inevitably leads to violence
That train has already left the British station
Jim Carroll