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Thread #165570   Message #3985761
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Apr-19 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
"We'll get what we get. Probably a rubbish deal."

What you said after nine years of Tory Britain. Stick to the point for once. YOU voted brexit, YOU voted May. YOU forgot to be careful what you wished for. This is a one hundred percent Tory mess, spawned by that man Cameron, who YOU also voted for. One hundred percent your mess. If you don't get what you want, tough shit, mate. Don't blame anyone else. The whole planet and his dog now knows that we are a damn sight better off staying as we are. That's what I've voted for all along. You and your sorry ilk did this to us, and, if we leave, you can be damn sure that we won't let you forget it. So no wonder you can never stick to the point. No "Marxist" ever got anywhere near this bloody mess. Your pension, if it gets hit, will be hit by a bloody mess that you Tories created all by your silly selves. So don't even think of blaming us. And I haven't even read any Marx.