The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165963   Message #3986669
Posted By: Andy7
09-Apr-19 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: Songs of bad taste
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
While I agree with Sandman's sentiment about 'animal cruelty' songs, his leaping to the conclusion that pfr doesn't care about animals makes no sense at all.

It's not the people that sing and enjoy such songs that I have any problem with - as I've said, some of my good friends are among them - it's writing/singing/enjoying comedy songs about cruelty, of any kind.

In my own repertoire is a poaching song, in which an animal meets a painful end. While I'd never go poaching myself, I'm happy to sing the song, as it tells a story which is based on fact; people did/do go poaching in such a way.

But if that song was meant to have the audience laughing in the aisles at the suffering and death of the animal, then I wouldn't consider singing it.