The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155349   Message #3987151
Posted By: robomatic
12-Apr-19 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Russian Song (I'm Lenin, I'm Trotsky)
Subject: RE: Origins: Russian Song (I'm Lenin, I'm Trotsky)
I grew up with a 60s album of songs covered from the original "Pins and Needles". A young Barbra Streisand sings "Nobody makes a pass at me." It was delightful. The closest song to the camp song here was a somewhat more sophistimicated number called "Four Little Angels of Peace" which had stanzas from Anthony Eden, Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo. The best song by far was a feaux Spiritual called "Mene Mene Tekel" which I mostly sing in the shower.