The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165963   Message #3987656
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
16-Apr-19 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: Songs of bad taste
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
Sandman - get it into your head that neither I nor most other folks
care how much you are offended by such trivia.
You are acting in this thread like a petulant pillock with a bruised ego..

Whereas in the Notre Dame thread [even though you jumped in with your facts wrong]
you are the establishment challenging sandman I can respect more and side with...

Right then, now back to this thread..

That Clarence song is shit..
It isn't very problematic in it's treatment of a serious issue,
it's just very badly written and unfunny.. very out dated...
In it's favour though, it's probably not intended to hurt any specific listeners...???

I'd judge a song more if it is intended as reactionary propaganda,
spitefuly malicious and hateful towards targeted victims..

but that's just my opinion...

A good 'offensive' song is funny in content and delivery,
even if transgressing into subject areas that most folks would rather keep quiet about..
.. and far more effective if taking the piss out of reactionary dominant elements in society...

Again, merely my opinion, but possibly backed up by a lot more folk who might agree...