The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30824   Message #398782
Posted By: Mooh
15-Feb-01 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anonymity
Subject: RE: BS: Anonymity
When I first got here I thought it was virtually expected that everyone use a handle. I discovered otherwise almost immediately. My real name appears here in other discussions as does my general location and my e-mail addy. Btw, Mooh is pronounced Mike, and that story is here on a related thread also. Many of you know alot about me from my postings, just as I do about you. I think anonymity here only goes so far, eventually we give up too much of ourselves.

If I wanted total anonymity, I couldn't have friends or exchange information about events, two of the reasons I'm here.

Peace. Mike Crocker (my real name).