The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165999   Message #3988321
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Apr-19 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: comedy songs - why do they get boring?
Subject: RE: comedy songs - why do they get boring?
A friend heard about my recent decision to master the uke and enthusiasm for George - so when she went round a charity shop she got me Formby's greatest hits for 50p.

yesterday i put it on the car stereo. ....up comes With Me Little Stick of Blackpool Rock....and those immortal lines

It may get sticky, but I never complain...
I like to have a nibble of it now and again

DEnise and I were both laughing at the line. why is it, some bits still tickle your fancy after numerous hearings and you don't get bored?