The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166001   Message #3988481
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-Apr-19 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Important new article on Cecil Sharp
Subject: RE: Important new article on Cecil Sharp
I think generally speaking its not a good idea to take people to court who are richer than you and can afford better lawyers.
As Robert maxwell's career proved. he had a whole floor of lawyers working for him.

I resent the fact that one of the companies who had used some of my songs went bankrupt the day before they had to pay any royalties. it was the '80's and regarded as good business practice at the time.

Similarly I had a guitar whose electrics stopped working onstage - three months after the year guarantee was up. This was a Yamaha AC3R - witha n RRP of about a grand. yamaha refused to replace the guitar. i approached the MU and asked them to take action on my behalf, and they refused point blank.

these big corporations are untouchable, and the law is their servant.