The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165999   Message #3988526
Posted By: Mr Red
22-Apr-19 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: comedy songs - why do they get boring?
Subject: RE: comedy songs - why do they get boring?
My songs still make me laugh, but at my age I don’t remember hearing them before

If you entertained yerself when writing it, and you haven't re-visited it for a long time, you are probably laughing at yer own cleverness. And nothing wrong with that, it is confirmation that it is worth singing again. I am sometimes amazed at the poetc/lyric twists I used to put into my words, but back then when the song just dun gotta come out you were in the zone and out it came. But is your own creation boring? All ego aside, if you are proud of it, you may rest it, but boring? Never!

It's called "Bridge Over Troubled Water" - you sure you didn't call it "Trouble over Bridgwater"?

Bill Bailey I only know from Black Books, very funny but not musical - not musical? He did a concert tour of classical music. He does say, having trained classically, with a face like his, who would take him seriously? But from little I know of the genre, his skill on the piano is way up there. And I doubt he would intersperse the music with anecdotes.