The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166016   Message #3989797
Posted By: cnd
29-Apr-19 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Leaving (Dave Gibb)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE LEAVING (Dave Gibb)
Maverick --

This should be mostly right. Still a little iffy on the line about sheep and servitude, but otherwise, I think this is more or less right. Transcribed by ear from the link above.

As sung by Dave Gibb on the album Looking At the Past

We sail for the Americas tomorrow
We leave our past, our history, behind
We'll carry with us memories of joy and love and sorrow
And hope the ones of leaving will close and heal with time

The longboat lies along the shoreline
It'll ferry us to the ship come break of day
Then they'll turn out to the west and steer for the horizon
And off into our futures we will sail away

We're heading out for Canada's white spaces
Where a man must earn his worth, or so they say
We'll leave behind us lords and those who stole the land God gave us
But still I know deep down inside my heart I'd rather stay

Driven out of hearth and home, there's nothing here for me
Driven down to the waterside, driven out to sea
Heading now for Canada, and a freedom I've never known
You know, even the man of God watched on as the lords tore down our home

Still, we leave all that behind should we survive this voyage
Left their fellow servitude of sheep to men
And I'll take my place in freedom's land secure within the knowledge
That me and mine will never bend the knee to a man called lord again

Driven out of hearth and home, there's nothing here for me
Driven down to the waterside, driven out to sea
Heading now for Canada, and a freedom I've never known
You know, even the man of God watched on as the lords tore down our home

We sail for the Americas tomorrow
And it'll break my heart when the ship gets underway
I'll carry with me memories of joy and love and sorrow
But still I know deep down inside my heart I'd rather stay