The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3989808
Posted By: r.padgett
29-Apr-19 - 04:24 AM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
Round in circles ~

Q It no longer guarantees that a prospective puter will hear a folk song if he or she turns up to a folk club - simple as that

A Punter is not a word I like in relation to folk gatherings

Q/A Folk clubs ~please define what you understand by Folk songs ~ the modern definition includes traditional but many written songs are regularly sung at folk gatherings folk gatherings are places of social entertainment also

A Pubs continue to be flattened and house built ~so the folk clubs of old continue to diminish

the Polka Hop in Wakefield and Fernandes Tap has "mixed sessions" singing and playing well attended per month

A The Kelham Island Tavern, Sheffield monthly Sunday pm event attracts unaccompanied singers singing largely Traditional song (no accompaniment) with professional singers such a Jess and Richard Arrowsmith, James Fagan, Matt Quinn and Rosie Hood ~ work permitting

Q People have written about feeling "out of place" or "unwelcome" if they sing unaccompanied folk songs - one contributor to this forum described ballads as "inappropriate" singers or audience??

A Times they are a changing!

Q Pat pointed out to me last night that a survey was carried out some time in the seventies that suggested there were around 1,600 clubs in Britain - Dave puts up 186 as evidence of a "successful folk scene" - do the math and come back and tell me that is an improvement, or even holding its own

A I disagree ~ successful folkscene has moved away from pubs ( they are diminishing see above) but concert clubs and alternative venues are being sought and have been established in the circuits and continue to attract paying customers ~current example Show of Hands at Barnsley Civic theatre May 2019

Q People on this forum
during these exchanges have described the need to set a standard of performance (not particularly high) in folk clubs as "elitism" - the same with the use of crib sheets and mobile pads, rather than learning the word

A Yes in Folk clubs where these still exist not a good idea to have new singers as support for an expensive guest

One of the worst aspects of the scene is the move away from grass-roots, resident based local clubs to festivals and booked guests

A The problem is that weekly supporters are often the life blood of the folk club and often do not want to see paid guest and stay away !!

Singing and singers can be awkward !!!
