The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3990695
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-May-19 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
"So, as I said, no proof of your statement at all."
So you're calling me a liar then
Not the first time
When did you last here of a survey of folk clubs Dave - all the information we have is "just hearsay" - yourrs included
Your statement of how mant fork clubs there are and the fact that you put them up as "a success" leaves you soemwhat hoist on your own petard
I really find stonewalling such as yours really distasteful - it stymies any chance of a frank exchange of opinions and ideas - which is why I won't try again

"There was absolutely NO SNIDE REFERENCEs in my post"
Yas there was Steve - why on earth should you suggest macColl would "approve of anything" and why should I care what he approved of ?
I put my own opinions up - nobody else's
Jim Carroll