The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3990729
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-May-19 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
"No idea where that comes from, Jim."
I've told you what the discussion was about and I also told you that I stopped going to clubs when the performances deteriorated to an unacceptable standard
The discussion confirmed my personal experiences were commonplace, yet you imply it is "just my opinion" and "hearsay"
You are either not reading what I write or are dismissing it out of hand - either way, I find it both offensive and disappointing
You have, in your own way, confirmed my beliefs by telling me what you regard as folk song or folk sounding, so your own words only serve to underline how far the club scene has moved from folk song
You put up your link when we were arguing abut the success or failure of the club scene
You surely are not claiming you put it up as an act of surrender, are you
Of course you put it up because it represented your view - give me credit for a little intelligence Dave