The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3990831
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
05-May-19 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
Spot on BWM. One of the many reasons that the number of folk clubs lessened is that the one ones that were clique driven and dingy were, quite rightfully, closed. Not only have the number of venues lessened but the the quality of the ones left has improved, making folk music a much more inviting thing to many who previously were not even aware of it. This in turn, in my opinion, has led to folk music becoming a more interesting prospect for main stream media to carry. Which brings me on to...

Dave you favour the commercilisation of folk music and giving it to the masses

If it is not given to the masses, how is it folk music, Dick? As to commercialisation, why do you say I favour it? I have never even suggested such a thing although, now you mention it, a bit of commercialisation would not harm the career and finances of any jobbing folk singer would it :-)

BTW - I believe you are at the White Lion later this year. Not cliquey at all but, unless it has been decorated since April 1st, let me know how you feel about the mould.