The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3990833
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-May-19 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
I can remember the first time I heard MacColl sing 'Sweet Thames'
I'd turned up at the Singers Club late and Peggy ssuggested I sit on the front of the stage, facing the audience
The room fas full to bursting and I watched an enthralled, totally silent packed audience breathing in time to Ewan's singing Sweet Thames
The memory remains so strong that when we made the two Ewan tribute programmes, she insisted we put it in as a run-up to the song
Still brings a lump....
I won't respond to your 'your opinion' nonsense Dave - I'm no snob - I'll talk to anybody :-)