The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30784   Message #399097
Posted By: catspaw49
15-Feb-01 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
Stop what? Stop the diligent pursuit of the truth? How can we do that? Its a known fact that Kendall is 3 frets short of a neck and we are probing the reasons as to how and why this is. We are looking for clues the fact that he once left his house for 3 days because he had a runaway printer that was filling the whole place with printouts of porn stars. Since he states he hates loud music, that isn't it and our search must continue. I personally am now tracking on his predisposition for eating coffee soaked Fruit Loops.

Matt is a different case and possibly more troubling since he is not normal either and though he admits to liking loud music, his mental incapacity seems to predate this by several years.

