The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166050   Message #3991052
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-May-19 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: uk folk clubs high standard
Subject: RE: uk folk clubs high standard
"They vote with their feet. Once again, all together now, with feeling..."
They did indeed Dave - and walked away from the clubs
The figures again - from over 1500 to 160 something - no magazines, hardly any media presence a couple of folk labels....
That was a fairly convincing result
And still you persist in defending it
Whatever you were hoping to achieve (if you even thought about it) you failed miserably, and damaged folk song severely, possibly irreparably
You should be proud
The 'changing musical trends' had nothing to do with the folk revival, which was in itself, bucking the trends anyway, and came into being in order to do just that
Nothing radical was happening musically in the eighties - if the revival was prone to 'musical trends' it would have disappeared in the sixties and seventies when music was undergoing a revolution - instead, taht is when it came into its own having seperated itself from the Music Industry 'trendmakers' pretty well completely
"We can debate the causes of the 1980s decline until the cows come home, the fact is we don't really know. "
No we can't Howard, but we can make an intelligent guess and try to do something about it
" I don't think they are being any such thing."
Al is persistently bringing up 'unaccompanied songs" which is his issue, nobody else's
I don't want anybody to be on 'my side' - I would like an honest debate based on what has actually been suggested